With only one week left of the official Winter, the sun came out and I so we are taking a tour of the garden to see what is happening.
There is new life, some pretty flowers and with Spring just around the corner, I thought I had better be quick to capture the end of Winter in the garden.
The Muscovy ducks are loving the mud but are awaiting the grass to grow back.
The Australorp Chickens like to stay near the camera in case I have any treats.
Jasper the Burmese Cat (or Jasper the friendly cat as our community Member Hoot Owl says) isn't one for the camera but he does like a pat.
Jett and Echo the Staffies make an appearance too.
As for the garden, we see Curry Plant, Jonquils, Rosemary, Aloe Vera, Kale, Quince flower, Coco Palm, The first Mulberry buds, Lemon tree, Arum Lily, Garlic, Stinging Nettles, Rainbow Chard, Daffodils, Silverbeet, Rocket, Passion fruits (They are supposed to fruit in Summer), Calendula, Flat Parsley, Kumquats and the bare Crab Apple Tree.