Welcome to my Homesteading Vlog.
I am overcoming vegetable garden overwhelm this February.
The sun is so hot the plants are crisping up, despite being watered daily.
The pests are taking over the tomato patch, weeds are out of control and the pathways are really too narrow for safety and I have nowhere to sit and talk to you when I am filming..... I am also starting my winter seeds and will have to integrate the seedlings into my summer plot; it is always a difficult decision to start culling the summer garden, to make room for the winter garden.
These are the challenges of growing food, all year around, on a small homestead, in the hottest month of the year.
I can only imagine the romantic vision of putting the garden to bed for the Winter. February is the most difficult month in my garden, with most days in the high 30s and some years it is in the mid 40's for a week at a time, so putting the garden to bed feels appealing at this time of the year.
I imagine the snow would fall, killing off garden pests so they would not continue causing problems through out the winter and be hungrily awaiting my summer garden. I could take a break..... Like I said, that is just the romantic vision.
I wouldn't be able to fit everything I want to grow in one growing season and I really enjoy the other eleven months of the year in my vegetable garden, so I would really miss it.
This February, I deal with what needs my attention in the homestead garden.
I make my vegetable garden better and start planning for the Winter too.
I also give you a tour of my annual vegetable garden space after I upgrade it.
Happy homesteading friends
Elissa x
Moat Cottage Homesteading
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